I've had a blast taking Brady to & from school all this month (December). One reason: we have the opportunity to walk down through the beautiful gardens along the canal each morning; yet more importantly - we've had such fun singing Christmas tunes! (and loudly, I might add)
We started with "12 Days of Christmas" (she was odd days; I was even - or vice versa). This went on for a few days, then we switched to "Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer." We soon 'discovered' the old, funny "Nuttin' for Christmas" -Thank goodness for You-tube & Google for lyrics! It really didn't matter to us who overheard our joyous songs, instead we just kept singing & laughing. We'd even try a little harmony or mix things up some. (note to self: practice singing "12 Days.." backwards next time...it was harder than I thought)
One morning before school I asked Brady to put something away (out of the den & back to her room). She was obedient, yet later I found out why it took her longer than usual to deliver the item to her wardrobe/closet. On the way to school she confessed that she had lingered in her room long enough to stick out her tongue a few times in my direction (the kitchen). This weighed heavy on her heart so she took the time on our walk to confess. Wow. A nine-year old teaching her (almost) 50-year old mom a lesson. After I had time to ponder over this 'transaction' (and prayerfully thank God for giving me such a spiritually beautiful child) I decided to let Brady know just how special she is and how much it meant to me what she'd done. On the way home from school I told her that she's so much more mature than her mom was at nine. I confessed that I'd done the same thing to my mom (her Nana) when I was her age. The only difference was that I don't think I'd ever confessed to her about it. (note to self: confess to her now - it's NEVER too late. I'm sorry, Mom..I did it, too. I love you.)
I told Brady she was such a beautiful, loving daughter and had taught her mom a valuable lesson. Confession leaves us cleansed, whole and reunited with God & each other.
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. *1 John 1:9
I believe one of our favorite tunes in December will always be "Nuttin' for Christmas". And as I think about that old song I have decided...who needs anything for Christmas but knowing you're an heir for eternity to a King - born in a manger long, long ago. My daughter has reminded me the Best Christmas present I could ever want I already have.
John 13:7
"You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand." ~ john 13:7
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
ID required
The Klumpps have been showered with love letters from so many family & friends. (thank you!!) We LOVE getting these little blessings from home. A few weeks ago we received our first 'care package' in the mail since arriving in Hong Kong...Thank You, Vicki Krehbiel!!! It was delivered to the little post office just a few blocks from our flat. We got the 'notice' in our mailbox downstairs with instructions that said we could pick up the package anytime. (Of course that meant figuring out WHEN they were open!)
On our way to the church one morning, Brady & I saw the 'OPEN' sign on the door and excitedly stepped inside to claim our 'prize'! The postman behind the glass nicely asked to see some form of ID. Now, since arriving in Hong Kong, the only ID that Brady & I have is our passport...which happened to be in another bag...at the flat! (Note to self: ALWAYS take passport with me when leaving home.)
*No picture ID, no passport = no care package.
The postman's face behind the glass was partially hidden because of the surgical mask he was wearing. I've seen several people here wearing the 'mask of fear' (as I call it) because of the SARS (bird flu) that struck in 2003. I refuse to wear a 'mask of fear' because I know my days are already numbered in heaven. The postman was very nice and told us he'd keep the package safe until we returned with identification.
The irony of this situation to me was that he wanted to know my identity, yet I had no way of knowing his. This started me thinking about my true identity. It seems I am rediscovering myself here in Hong Kong. God is clearly revealing to me exactly who I am - who He designed me to be. And He's having me start with the Karen Godsey in grade school. I can remember always being an upbeat, optimistic person. It was easy for me to be happy & in a good mood. As I got older I believe I lost part of myself; part of that happiness. I'm sure many of us have. Life is like that. We grow older and more cynical about the ways of man. Just try waiting in the shortest line at the grocery store and let it become the longest wait..see where your mood takes you. I know where mine used to go.
And that's the beauty of it - the reality of the "used to's." I've decided to be happy. To put the 'old pessimistic me' to bed for good. And remain optimistic no matter what my circumstance. Why? Because I have a friend who has taken my old identity and given me a new one. I am a new creation - therefore, I've a new identity. And that's something to be very joyous about.
My true identity is in my Savior - the resurrected Christ.
No I.D. required.
On our way to the church one morning, Brady & I saw the 'OPEN' sign on the door and excitedly stepped inside to claim our 'prize'! The postman behind the glass nicely asked to see some form of ID. Now, since arriving in Hong Kong, the only ID that Brady & I have is our passport...which happened to be in another bag...at the flat! (Note to self: ALWAYS take passport with me when leaving home.)
*No picture ID, no passport = no care package.
The postman's face behind the glass was partially hidden because of the surgical mask he was wearing. I've seen several people here wearing the 'mask of fear' (as I call it) because of the SARS (bird flu) that struck in 2003. I refuse to wear a 'mask of fear' because I know my days are already numbered in heaven. The postman was very nice and told us he'd keep the package safe until we returned with identification.
The irony of this situation to me was that he wanted to know my identity, yet I had no way of knowing his. This started me thinking about my true identity. It seems I am rediscovering myself here in Hong Kong. God is clearly revealing to me exactly who I am - who He designed me to be. And He's having me start with the Karen Godsey in grade school. I can remember always being an upbeat, optimistic person. It was easy for me to be happy & in a good mood. As I got older I believe I lost part of myself; part of that happiness. I'm sure many of us have. Life is like that. We grow older and more cynical about the ways of man. Just try waiting in the shortest line at the grocery store and let it become the longest wait..see where your mood takes you. I know where mine used to go.
And that's the beauty of it - the reality of the "used to's." I've decided to be happy. To put the 'old pessimistic me' to bed for good. And remain optimistic no matter what my circumstance. Why? Because I have a friend who has taken my old identity and given me a new one. I am a new creation - therefore, I've a new identity. And that's something to be very joyous about.
My true identity is in my Savior - the resurrected Christ.
No I.D. required.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Discarded & unwanted
White leather sofas out my window. Left there as part of the discarded. The unwanted.
I'm beginning to get the hang of what happens to furniture once someone moves from flat to flat - which are what apartments are called here in Hong Kong.
I sat intrigued one morning - watching the story of the 'unwanted' unfold before me. I even grabbed my camera to watch..and wait. At first glance, I saw people passing by on their morning commute. I'd see a few of these people glance over their shoulders looking at the abandoned items. Yet no one stopping to take notice of this furniture in perfect condition - just waiting there for a new home. Here was this furniture that had provided for needs of families or singles. It had served its purpose - and yet even in great condition it was discarded - thrown out - literally on the streets.
Next came the little Asian men with their carts. They'd come and take off the screws, bolts, nuts - anything that was hardware - leaving the wood in pieces. As I sat there, I began to wonder if Jesus ever felt that way?
Was there ever anyone that would take from Jesus giving nothing in return? There are some from the bible stories I've read about during his lifetime that did. Oh, yes - there were those that would come and take from him - miracles, healings - and leave him there. I was reminded of the ten lepers...
The Korean youth at our church are in charge of the first service on Sundays. They lead the worship, prayers & scripture readings and the youth pastor gives the message. Two weeks ago the message was about those ten lepers.
Pastor Shem told the youth of the ten lepers on the street - a far distance from others - crying out "Unclean!" so all would know they had leprosy, which was the law. They were there, like the furniture, discarded - abandandoned - unwanted. As Jesus made his way to Jerusalem, they cried out to him - "Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!" Jesus told them to go and show themselves to the priests. As they were going - the miraculous happened - they were healed! Only one turned back - fell to Jesus' feet and thanked him. Only one. 1 out of 10. Sad, don't you think? Where would I fall in that equation? Where would you?
For me it's convicting.
I know I have taken from him - giving nothing back. Where does this lead me?
It leads me to his feet..for confession & tears.
When will I realize part of the mystery of a true relationship with the Resurrected Christ is one that gives back? I should strive to become one that 'pays it forward' - love others the way he loves me..by giving of myself with a thankful heart.
I think the story of the ten lepers is about gratitude. The one that turned back had a heart full of thanksgiving for what Jesus had done.
At this time of year I am thankful for my Savior, who will never abandon me. He will always take me in. And one day I will have a place in his kingdom - like the little 'discarded' shelf that adorns my home with love.
Monday, November 14, 2011
the lion's dance

"The Lion's Dance"
Lions dancing on poles...
(Well, not REAL lions, but I believe real ones wouldn't have been as beautiful to watch.)
We went on a walk late last Friday afternoon down beside the canal near our new home. Where we ended up was magical. Strolling beside the canal and under a bridge near the Star Floating Restaurant we made our way following the sounds of drums & cymbals beating loudly. Walking down between a fenced area - we followed Michael to a sidewalk where there was a 'turn-around' (where the street ended in a circle). We were standing in front of a very big building that we didn't quite know what it was, nor what was going on with all the noise inside. There was a young man, in a uniform somewhat like a hotel concierge, standing at the top of the steps leading in. (note to self: it usually pays to follow Michael to places unknown)
Michael asked what was going on. Before we knew it, we were following this gentleman inside what looked like a museum. The sounds of the cymbals & drums were growing - so much so that it was almost deafening. We ended up in a courtyard (completely closed in, yet the floor was grass). There in front of us was the 'band' in a semi-circle, playing loudly while a 'lion' danced to the beat. Standing and watching in awe for a few minutes before our personal 'attendant' led us up the escalator to the second floor where more excitement awaited us. He led us into a grand ballroom filled with round tables of people anxiously watching the show. Turns out the 'show' was a competition - a lion's dance competition - with teams from all over China.
The tasks that these teams were required to do was beyond belief. Two men dressed in costume had to 'dance' while the drums & cymbals beat. The dance included severel choreographed steps on several different sized poles that were placed all the way across the stage. The shortest poles (where the 'lion' first stepped up) were about 4ft off the ground. The tallest poles (on the other side of the stage) were taller than any of the men on the stage - @ 10ft tall. Doing this 'dance' would be hard enough - but the costume included the 'lion' which is a covering, somewhat like a heavy blanket. Unbelievable.
There were 11 teams competing - we walked in while team #5 was on stage. I sat in awe of these dancers. At some point during the dance the 'back' legs would pick up the 'front' legs and walk along the poles. Here were two men twisting & turning on these poles. Sometimes the man in back would lift the one in the front - holding him above his head while balancing & moving about the poles. I learned later that some of the 'men' were actually boys. They start learning this art at 9 years of age! (note to self: never try this at home..nor let Brady!)
There were only two teams that we watched that the lion didn't fall off the poles. Yet with each fall the 'lion' got right back up, covered once again with the 'costume' and started again up the poles.
Seeing these dancers fall made me think of life. When I fall or get discouraged...do I remain on the ground or 'down-in-the-dumps'? Of course I do - sometimes. There are times when just pulling myself back upright takes all the strength I can muster. (And I'm not trying to balance on any poles in a heavy costume.) But sometimes life feels like that - balancing on poles trying to dance to life's beat of the drum without falling off.
What about those lions on the poles? Is there a life lesson somewhere in watching them? I believe so. I think God was showing me something profound & magnified by the dancing of these beautiful lions.
Time and again when they'd fall off the poles - they just got right back up and started again. That's perseverance. God brought to my mind that night that I will have times (perhaps many in Hong Kong) when I'll fall. But in Him & through His strength I can persevere. It gives me hope. True hope and lasting strength comes from heaven.
Romans 5:3-6
...but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance produces character; character produces hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Finally Here!
Greetings from Shatin, New Territory, Hong Kong!
Life in Hong Kong for the Klumpp family (all 3 of us) began a mere 5 days ago. We arrived by b-i-g plane last Thursday night (5:10pm - HK time). Landing between the ocean and mountains was SO exciting. I was lucky enough to switch seats with Brady (who by the way was turning three shades of green at this time). She managed the entire 15 hour flight like a seasoned traveler. It was only in the last few minutes before landing that she decided to get queasy. So we played a "guess what number I'm thinking" game until the wheels hit the ground. Lucky for me - I got to manage between playing the game with her on my left & trying to watch the landing out the window on my right. It worked.."sorta".
(note to self: make the nine-year old take frequent naps on a l-o-n-g transatlantic flight..or give her Benadryl)
Speaking of flights..this one was amazing! There are no words to describe looking out a tiny aircraft window and realizing what you're seeing is the arctic landscape. As far as my eyes could see was white. I could just make out the texture of the land and at one time thought for sure I saw a polar ice cap! If I'd had some binoculars I probably could've seen a polar bear (maybe not).
Back to the landing...
As we were descending I could make out the water and a few islands. On the water I caught a glimpse of what looked to be a cruise ship. As we drew nearer to our destination I could clearly see several ships - what I realized were tankers. They were but 2 inches long as we neared the end of our flight. What an amazing sight - to realize these enormous boats seem so small from up above. Makes me wonder how small we must seem to an Almighty God. And even more mind-boggling - trying to understand how we could mean so much to Him. That He would love us so much that He would knowingly send a representative of Himself (His Son) to walk in a fleshly suit: have feelings, hurts, emotions just like me. More importantly to die because of my flesh/my sin...just so I can have a relationship & future - forever with Him in His paradise.
Someone wise was once trying to comfort me in a time of trial. He said these all encompassing, comforting words:
Imagine your problems, if you can, from above. Your troubles may seem overwhelmingly big in front of you - but try to see them from (say) a fighter pilot's view. They don't seem quite as large from there, do they? Now..imagine them even higher..from God's perspective. They really aren't that big from there. That's how God sees our problems. Just as a small 'blip' on the map. He promises help for the hopeless...rest for the weary..His love for the brokenhearted.
My problems seem so small when I think of them in this way and I picture myself taking them right to His throne...and leaving them there.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
24 Hours
The 'clock' on my computer right now reads 8:01am. In exactly 24 hours we will be on a plane taking off from San Antonio airport headed to Chicago. From there we leave at 12:45pm heading to Hong Kong. Sounds pretty surreal. Never thought I'd be going there - let alone moving there!
God has given me several little surprises since arriving in San Antonio last Monday. I'll take this opportunity to tell about them - if you'll bear with me.
I've repacked our five pieces of luggage probably three times since Sunday afternoon..making sure they all fall below the required 50 pound limit. (happy to say the largest is just 47)
All this I've done in the quietness of "Kat's" garage. (Kathleen is Mike's first wife - whom we are staying with in San Antonio. Nico, Mike's youngest son, along with Sarah - his sweet fiance, also live here). The quiet of the garage has really blessed my spirit - caused me to 'Be still' before God. It was also a nice way of listening to my music on my phone for a little while (Selah, NeedToBreathe, Mandisa..to name a few). Michael called it my 'zen time'. The goodness of the Lord today doesn't stop there...read on.
I realized God was even giving me more courage to fly to Hong Kong tomorrow - by placing me so close to the airport this past week. Kat's home sits about 5 minutes from the San Antonio International Airport - the very airport we will take off from tomorrow at 8am.
Side note: I've never been afraid of flying. My first flight was at 12 - on a 4seater - going to New Orleans with mom, dad & the owner of the plane, Roland, an old family friend. We flew over Lake Ponchatrain where I saw dolphins. Priceless. My next flight was by myself to Michigan. Spent the summer of my 16th year with one of my best friends, Lolly. Her family had a cottage by one of the many lakes. Priceless. From there I've lost count of the many flights I've had through the years; however, somewhere along the way I've developed a nervous anxiety about being in the air. Of course turbulence only makes matters worse.
God has given me the opportunity to be so close to so many airplanes coming in to land. (They fly over Kat's house about every 5-6 minutes...landing gear down and headed to the runway). It's really very beautiful - watching them glide through the air on the way down.
He's reminded me that He's in control & all is well. He's gone before us and prepared the way (including the plane ride).
The last surprise needs a little explanation: I like water towers..really. God has spoken to me through...water towers. I first heard Him say 'water' to me when we (Mike & I) were trying to decide whether to live in Dallas or Dripping Springs. We found a piece of land to purchase & build a house on. As I followed Mike's voice - I came into a clearing where there was a 'water tower' in the distance. I knew that was where my home was to be built - a wonderful gift from God. (Note to self: teach the younger women how God speaks in many different ways. The important thing is to remain in Him & listen.) God showed me the next water tower over the fence line in our home (the parsonage)..in Dighton. Showing me this came at such a crucial time - one morning when I was feeling especially down. It was a wonderful reminder that He was there. (God, too, feels what I feel ~ and stands ready to love me through anything).
The last surprise came this morning in San Antonio - as I walked upstairs to retreive something to tie my hair back. I was helping Brady with something and my hair kept falling in my face. As I was walking out of the upstairs bedroom - I happened to glance out a small window that's at the top of the stairs. It's not accessible except by ladder, but you can see a little from it while walking down the hall. What caught my eye next - out that window - was such a strong confirmation from God that I just started giggling & dancing in the hall. Out over the rooftops and treetops was...
a water tower.
...in less than 24 hours I will embark on a journey that will take me to life in Hong Kong - a new beginning. I hope you'll consider taking the journey with me and see what God has in store.
I'm going to look for water towers...
"Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen." (Ephesians 3:20-21).
God has given me several little surprises since arriving in San Antonio last Monday. I'll take this opportunity to tell about them - if you'll bear with me.
I've repacked our five pieces of luggage probably three times since Sunday afternoon..making sure they all fall below the required 50 pound limit. (happy to say the largest is just 47)
All this I've done in the quietness of "Kat's" garage. (Kathleen is Mike's first wife - whom we are staying with in San Antonio. Nico, Mike's youngest son, along with Sarah - his sweet fiance, also live here). The quiet of the garage has really blessed my spirit - caused me to 'Be still' before God. It was also a nice way of listening to my music on my phone for a little while (Selah, NeedToBreathe, Mandisa..to name a few). Michael called it my 'zen time'. The goodness of the Lord today doesn't stop there...read on.
I realized God was even giving me more courage to fly to Hong Kong tomorrow - by placing me so close to the airport this past week. Kat's home sits about 5 minutes from the San Antonio International Airport - the very airport we will take off from tomorrow at 8am.
Side note: I've never been afraid of flying. My first flight was at 12 - on a 4seater - going to New Orleans with mom, dad & the owner of the plane, Roland, an old family friend. We flew over Lake Ponchatrain where I saw dolphins. Priceless. My next flight was by myself to Michigan. Spent the summer of my 16th year with one of my best friends, Lolly. Her family had a cottage by one of the many lakes. Priceless. From there I've lost count of the many flights I've had through the years; however, somewhere along the way I've developed a nervous anxiety about being in the air. Of course turbulence only makes matters worse.
God has given me the opportunity to be so close to so many airplanes coming in to land. (They fly over Kat's house about every 5-6 minutes...landing gear down and headed to the runway). It's really very beautiful - watching them glide through the air on the way down.
He's reminded me that He's in control & all is well. He's gone before us and prepared the way (including the plane ride).
The last surprise needs a little explanation: I like water towers..really. God has spoken to me through...water towers. I first heard Him say 'water' to me when we (Mike & I) were trying to decide whether to live in Dallas or Dripping Springs. We found a piece of land to purchase & build a house on. As I followed Mike's voice - I came into a clearing where there was a 'water tower' in the distance. I knew that was where my home was to be built - a wonderful gift from God. (Note to self: teach the younger women how God speaks in many different ways. The important thing is to remain in Him & listen.) God showed me the next water tower over the fence line in our home (the parsonage)..in Dighton. Showing me this came at such a crucial time - one morning when I was feeling especially down. It was a wonderful reminder that He was there. (God, too, feels what I feel ~ and stands ready to love me through anything).
The last surprise came this morning in San Antonio - as I walked upstairs to retreive something to tie my hair back. I was helping Brady with something and my hair kept falling in my face. As I was walking out of the upstairs bedroom - I happened to glance out a small window that's at the top of the stairs. It's not accessible except by ladder, but you can see a little from it while walking down the hall. What caught my eye next - out that window - was such a strong confirmation from God that I just started giggling & dancing in the hall. Out over the rooftops and treetops was...
a water tower.
...in less than 24 hours I will embark on a journey that will take me to life in Hong Kong - a new beginning. I hope you'll consider taking the journey with me and see what God has in store.
I'm going to look for water towers...
"Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen." (Ephesians 3:20-21).
Guidelines are necessary, right? I mean, even God gives His creation (man) guidelines for protection. But I think sometimes we (man) take a good thing and easily turn it into things that aren't necessarily good. Ultimately God is in complete control - and that, in and of itself, is a GREAT thing.
As we were deciding what to keep/give away or sell, packing the rest, and pulling together what we were going to need in Hong Kong...we thought it'd be a good idea to gather our passports and double check them. (Note to self: next time try doing the passport check more than just a few days BEFORE one parent is to leave the country!)
I found mine and it was within the expiration date. Found Brady's and - uh oh..it expired..in May! Michael found out the nearest passport office was located in Ness City Post Office (a mere 23 miles due west of Dighton). He also learned the necessary documents we'd need to get Brady's passport. One of which being her birth certificate (the ORIGINAL one with the raised seal). Ok - now where did I put that?? AND is it already packed in an unlabeled box..somewhere in storage??? (Note to self: ALWAYS keep EVERY necessary document handy - thought I was already doing a pretty good job of it - guess not.)
So I start looking through all the paperwork that's left in our near-empty home. I'd already packed up what was once my office and our little storage 'house' in the backyard was already empty. BUT I wasn't yet in panic mode because I still had some papers in my bedroom corner. So I promptly go through all there - and still nothing resembling a birth certificate. We've no extra time to order one from Texas...maybe it's time to panic?
For some reason I felt led out to our garage, where there were a few brown boxes ready for delivery to our storage unit on the southside of town. I knew there was no certificate in any of those boxes so I just stood there and said a small prayer..."God, You know exactly where that BC is..and I know You will lead me there. Thank You. Amen." (Note to self: remember God doesn't care how our prayers sound - He just wants us to talk to Him.)
As I stood there in the garage - wondering if I was going to 'cave' and drive to the storage unit to start going through all the boxes - my eyes fell on a plastic 'drawer' (you know the cheap type they sell to starving college students). It had been in our garage on a shelf probably for all 3 years we were in Dighton - never making it to the storage 'house' in the backyard.
Side story: Michael has made fun of the things I've chosen to keep over the years - papers from Justin's kindergarten (he's now 23), Jordan's curls that Justin cut off when she was 2 (she turned 19 in May)...the list goes on. I might add my kids probably would make fun of me too - but hey, I'm a mom - i bet there's a few of you, too, out there..ha ha). Well, this was one of "those" boxes with all sorts of knick-knacks inside.
So I thought, as I got it down..what could hurt to go through it. I've got to get it to the storage on the edge of town, too. I open the drawer and proceed to look through it. On top there's a pile of Xerox copied photos of Jordan as a Jr High cheerleader - but something in the middle of the pile catches my eye. It's a blank sheet with an enlarged copy of Brady's social security card. Hmmmm, I think..now that's weird. It's just stuck there in the middle of these photos. So I keep digging. At the bottom of the drawer I find a RED file folder. Curiously I pull it out of the drawer and open it up. At first I see Brady's shot records for kindergarten registration. As I fumble through the documents I see a legal-size envelope - so I pull it out. How strange, I thought, what could this envelope be holding - why would I keep it?
I open it...you'll never guess what was inside...
Brady's birth certificate. The Original. Complete with raised seal.
I actually danced & praised God right there in the garage. Might've looked peculiar to any neighbors passing by - but ya know what? I didn't care. He'd taken care of that very important detail..and I wanted to thank Him. (Note to self: Thank God anytime & everytime He reveals Himself in times of needing help. He doesn't care how - just do it!)
End of story: We made it over to the passport office, got Brady's documents and new picture made just in the nick-o-time. Fast forward a month...and passport is in hand, ready for the flight this week to Hong Kong!
As we were deciding what to keep/give away or sell, packing the rest, and pulling together what we were going to need in Hong Kong...we thought it'd be a good idea to gather our passports and double check them. (Note to self: next time try doing the passport check more than just a few days BEFORE one parent is to leave the country!)
I found mine and it was within the expiration date. Found Brady's and - uh oh..it expired..in May! Michael found out the nearest passport office was located in Ness City Post Office (a mere 23 miles due west of Dighton). He also learned the necessary documents we'd need to get Brady's passport. One of which being her birth certificate (the ORIGINAL one with the raised seal). Ok - now where did I put that?? AND is it already packed in an unlabeled box..somewhere in storage??? (Note to self: ALWAYS keep EVERY necessary document handy - thought I was already doing a pretty good job of it - guess not.)
So I start looking through all the paperwork that's left in our near-empty home. I'd already packed up what was once my office and our little storage 'house' in the backyard was already empty. BUT I wasn't yet in panic mode because I still had some papers in my bedroom corner. So I promptly go through all there - and still nothing resembling a birth certificate. We've no extra time to order one from Texas...maybe it's time to panic?
For some reason I felt led out to our garage, where there were a few brown boxes ready for delivery to our storage unit on the southside of town. I knew there was no certificate in any of those boxes so I just stood there and said a small prayer..."God, You know exactly where that BC is..and I know You will lead me there. Thank You. Amen." (Note to self: remember God doesn't care how our prayers sound - He just wants us to talk to Him.)
As I stood there in the garage - wondering if I was going to 'cave' and drive to the storage unit to start going through all the boxes - my eyes fell on a plastic 'drawer' (you know the cheap type they sell to starving college students). It had been in our garage on a shelf probably for all 3 years we were in Dighton - never making it to the storage 'house' in the backyard.
Side story: Michael has made fun of the things I've chosen to keep over the years - papers from Justin's kindergarten (he's now 23), Jordan's curls that Justin cut off when she was 2 (she turned 19 in May)...the list goes on. I might add my kids probably would make fun of me too - but hey, I'm a mom - i bet there's a few of you, too, out there..ha ha). Well, this was one of "those" boxes with all sorts of knick-knacks inside.
So I thought, as I got it down..what could hurt to go through it. I've got to get it to the storage on the edge of town, too. I open the drawer and proceed to look through it. On top there's a pile of Xerox copied photos of Jordan as a Jr High cheerleader - but something in the middle of the pile catches my eye. It's a blank sheet with an enlarged copy of Brady's social security card. Hmmmm, I think..now that's weird. It's just stuck there in the middle of these photos. So I keep digging. At the bottom of the drawer I find a RED file folder. Curiously I pull it out of the drawer and open it up. At first I see Brady's shot records for kindergarten registration. As I fumble through the documents I see a legal-size envelope - so I pull it out. How strange, I thought, what could this envelope be holding - why would I keep it?
I open it...you'll never guess what was inside...
Brady's birth certificate. The Original. Complete with raised seal.
I actually danced & praised God right there in the garage. Might've looked peculiar to any neighbors passing by - but ya know what? I didn't care. He'd taken care of that very important detail..and I wanted to thank Him. (Note to self: Thank God anytime & everytime He reveals Himself in times of needing help. He doesn't care how - just do it!)
End of story: We made it over to the passport office, got Brady's documents and new picture made just in the nick-o-time. Fast forward a month...and passport is in hand, ready for the flight this week to Hong Kong!
Friday, October 21, 2011
When God says, "Go."
The night before the biggest decision in our lives thus far (that would be Thursday night)...I decided to go to my Zumba class.
One of my dearest friends in my life began teaching Zumba as a women's ministry to our little community a little more than a year ago. We used to walk together every morning early before sunrise (I'm talking 5:00am). We talked about our lives as women, wives, moms & daughters - as well as religion, God & our spirituality. We'd cry, laugh & pray together. Well, after much prayer during the summer of 2010, she decided to get training to be a Zumba instructor. And BOY-WHAT-A-GREAT-ZUMBA TEACHER she is!!! She offers love, encouragement, energy, hugs along with a super work-out at least 4 times a week! Women of our community (as well as surrounding towns) have been attending & never walk away without feeling loved.
Back to story: So I arrived just in time for the 7pm - Thursday night class. It was a great work-out full of great music. (She mixes the required Zumba music with a sprinkling of Christian rock. She's able to witness to every lady walkin' in the door - LOVE IT!) She already knew about the possibility of Hong Kong because she's a prayer warrior with me. (Note to self: I have a few VERY wonderful close friends there in Dighton who are prayer partners with me - THANK YOU, Holy Father, for these beautiful souls you've placed in my life.)
Anyway...after class there were about three other ladies who lingered at the studio. We all sat down on the floor and started talking. I felt very comfortable talking to these women, so we openly talked about Hong Kong. The other ladies were anxious to hear all the details - so I began telling them. That's when it 'hit me'...the EPIPHANY (the sudden realization/comprehension of the larger essence or meaning of something)...the SATORI (an enlightenment or flash of sudden awareness).
I realized that when we lived in Texas we prayed: "God, we just want to be obedient to You - whatever that may be." And I felt Him say, "you want to be obedient? Then go to this little place over here in Kansas you know nothing about. Leave your family, your older children and everything familiar to you. Go and love the people there like I love you. That's obedience to Me." So we did. We sold many things - packed the rest - said our good-bye's to all our loved ones & moved to Dighton, Kansas to love on the people there.
At the beginning of the summer (2011) we began to feel God was preparing us for something...so we prayed: "God, we just want to be obedient to You - whatever that may be." And I felt Him say, "you want to be obedient? Then you go to this big place over there - a place called Hong Kong. Leave everything you know & go somewhere you know nothing about. Go and love the people there like I love you. That's obedience to Me. I prepared you for Hong Kong by training you up in Dighton."
Pretty powerful stuff, don't ya think? (Note to self: When the Holy Spirit speaks in times like these - it's good to listen.)
...so here we go...
We sold and gave away most of our things - packed the rest for storage - and now (currently) hugging & loving on our family as much as humanly possible...as we prepare our hearts, mind & bodies to go and serve a Mighty God.
One of my dearest friends in my life began teaching Zumba as a women's ministry to our little community a little more than a year ago. We used to walk together every morning early before sunrise (I'm talking 5:00am). We talked about our lives as women, wives, moms & daughters - as well as religion, God & our spirituality. We'd cry, laugh & pray together. Well, after much prayer during the summer of 2010, she decided to get training to be a Zumba instructor. And BOY-WHAT-A-GREAT-ZUMBA TEACHER she is!!! She offers love, encouragement, energy, hugs along with a super work-out at least 4 times a week! Women of our community (as well as surrounding towns) have been attending & never walk away without feeling loved.
Back to story: So I arrived just in time for the 7pm - Thursday night class. It was a great work-out full of great music. (She mixes the required Zumba music with a sprinkling of Christian rock. She's able to witness to every lady walkin' in the door - LOVE IT!) She already knew about the possibility of Hong Kong because she's a prayer warrior with me. (Note to self: I have a few VERY wonderful close friends there in Dighton who are prayer partners with me - THANK YOU, Holy Father, for these beautiful souls you've placed in my life.)
Anyway...after class there were about three other ladies who lingered at the studio. We all sat down on the floor and started talking. I felt very comfortable talking to these women, so we openly talked about Hong Kong. The other ladies were anxious to hear all the details - so I began telling them. That's when it 'hit me'...the EPIPHANY (the sudden realization/comprehension of the larger essence or meaning of something)...the SATORI (an enlightenment or flash of sudden awareness).
I realized that when we lived in Texas we prayed: "God, we just want to be obedient to You - whatever that may be." And I felt Him say, "you want to be obedient? Then go to this little place over here in Kansas you know nothing about. Leave your family, your older children and everything familiar to you. Go and love the people there like I love you. That's obedience to Me." So we did. We sold many things - packed the rest - said our good-bye's to all our loved ones & moved to Dighton, Kansas to love on the people there.
At the beginning of the summer (2011) we began to feel God was preparing us for something...so we prayed: "God, we just want to be obedient to You - whatever that may be." And I felt Him say, "you want to be obedient? Then you go to this big place over there - a place called Hong Kong. Leave everything you know & go somewhere you know nothing about. Go and love the people there like I love you. That's obedience to Me. I prepared you for Hong Kong by training you up in Dighton."
Pretty powerful stuff, don't ya think? (Note to self: When the Holy Spirit speaks in times like these - it's good to listen.)
...so here we go...
We sold and gave away most of our things - packed the rest for storage - and now (currently) hugging & loving on our family as much as humanly possible...as we prepare our hearts, mind & bodies to go and serve a Mighty God.
Monday, October 10, 2011
I See the Moon & the Moon Sees Me
There's a song that I've shared with all three of my children when they were toddlers. It's a song about seeing the moon & people we love:
I see the moon & the moon sees me,
The moon sees somebody I'd like to see,
God bless the moon & God bless me..
And God bless the somebody I'd like to see.
It's a cute little song with a catchy tune that I'd sing when my older two (Justin & Jordan) were young and we were missing family. I continued the tradition with Brady, my youngest daughter. It was especially helpful when we moved to 'far-away' Kansas when she was 6. She missed her brothers & sisters (all six of them) and Nana, Papaw, Aunt Mel, Uncle Ricky & Luke (aka: family in Tx)..so we'd sing this little jingle to remember them and perhaps ease her longing just a bit.
One evening during the 'four days of deciding on Hong Kong', I had a dear friend & wonderful/spirit-filled mentor mention to me the moon was simply beautiful over the Kansas sky. She's a farmer's wife and sometimes takes walks down their country road. (She calls it taking a walk on the quarter-mile road. That's so enchanting to me.) It was so sweet that she shared this with me, but I didn't stop to look. I seemed to have been busy with something (trivial, I'm sure). A little later, though, the Holy Spirit nudged me enough to walk to the front door, open it and see the splendor. The sky was as huge and bright as the Kansas horizon with the moon in all it's glory suspended right in front of my front door. All I could say was, "God, You are already there (Hong Kong)...what is there to fear??? YOU'RE ALREADY THERE."
(note to self: God shows us His world isn't as big & scary when we choose to trust Him wherever He leads..He's already there preparing the way.)
To come full circle on this post - a month later my daughter, Jordan, is anxiously anticipating her week with 'B & me' (B=Brady) in College Station - where she's attending school. She writes on my Facebook wall - "I see the moon and the moon sees me..." (note to self: Thank you, Father, for my beautiful children. I am truly blessed.)
I wrote back - "The moon sees somebody I'd like to see!"
I see the moon & the moon sees me,
The moon sees somebody I'd like to see,
God bless the moon & God bless me..
And God bless the somebody I'd like to see.
It's a cute little song with a catchy tune that I'd sing when my older two (Justin & Jordan) were young and we were missing family. I continued the tradition with Brady, my youngest daughter. It was especially helpful when we moved to 'far-away' Kansas when she was 6. She missed her brothers & sisters (all six of them) and Nana, Papaw, Aunt Mel, Uncle Ricky & Luke (aka: family in Tx)..so we'd sing this little jingle to remember them and perhaps ease her longing just a bit.
One evening during the 'four days of deciding on Hong Kong', I had a dear friend & wonderful/spirit-filled mentor mention to me the moon was simply beautiful over the Kansas sky. She's a farmer's wife and sometimes takes walks down their country road. (She calls it taking a walk on the quarter-mile road. That's so enchanting to me.) It was so sweet that she shared this with me, but I didn't stop to look. I seemed to have been busy with something (trivial, I'm sure). A little later, though, the Holy Spirit nudged me enough to walk to the front door, open it and see the splendor. The sky was as huge and bright as the Kansas horizon with the moon in all it's glory suspended right in front of my front door. All I could say was, "God, You are already there (Hong Kong)...what is there to fear??? YOU'RE ALREADY THERE."
(note to self: God shows us His world isn't as big & scary when we choose to trust Him wherever He leads..He's already there preparing the way.)
To come full circle on this post - a month later my daughter, Jordan, is anxiously anticipating her week with 'B & me' (B=Brady) in College Station - where she's attending school. She writes on my Facebook wall - "I see the moon and the moon sees me..." (note to self: Thank you, Father, for my beautiful children. I am truly blessed.)
I wrote back - "The moon sees somebody I'd like to see!"
Monday, October 3, 2011
Dad's turn
So my dad, Lee, answers with his usual happy-go-lucky "hello!" (fyi: my mom has the sweet, southern-lady/east texas drawl: "hello.") Like mom, it was good to hear his voice. They both provide comfort to my heart when I hear them on the phone.
He didn't take the news as well as my mother did..which was a total surprise to me. It was my mom that I thought might take it the hardest..or my son, Justin, who is very tender-hearted & perhaps still hurting from the break between his dad and I. (note to self: give my older children each a long-lasting embrace when I see them next - life is too fragile not to)
My dad was in the Navy during World War II. He was a driver of a pontoon boat in the Pacific ocean. The closest he came to Hong Kong was northern China - where he went ashore for a spell. He was confused by the language, dress & culture of the Chinese...and he didn't like it. Based on the knowledge that he carried with him all these years - subsequently he did not like the idea of his daughter being emersed into another culture in Asia either.
I tried telling him as gently as I possibly could that I'd done a little research and things weren't exactly the same as what he remembered. I explained that it was really very westernized and there were MANY Americans living there at this time.
After a little while enjoying the conversation with my father - I concluded our time together asking for prayer, to which my dad eagerly agreed to do for us.
God continues to amaze me. It was His Spirit that woke me 3 times during the week at 3:30am. (and I just realized - I love the number 3. When I was little I'd make sure I played games, jumped rope & skipped in "thirds." After all, it was the number of letters in Y-E-S; I liked that word..and it was the number of the Trinity - Father, Son & Holy Spirit). One of those early morning (3:30) awakenings was His Spirit nudging me to pray for my family: how they would receive the news. And now He was showing me how He'd moved through those prayers.
He didn't take the news as well as my mother did..which was a total surprise to me. It was my mom that I thought might take it the hardest..or my son, Justin, who is very tender-hearted & perhaps still hurting from the break between his dad and I. (note to self: give my older children each a long-lasting embrace when I see them next - life is too fragile not to)
My dad was in the Navy during World War II. He was a driver of a pontoon boat in the Pacific ocean. The closest he came to Hong Kong was northern China - where he went ashore for a spell. He was confused by the language, dress & culture of the Chinese...and he didn't like it. Based on the knowledge that he carried with him all these years - subsequently he did not like the idea of his daughter being emersed into another culture in Asia either.
I tried telling him as gently as I possibly could that I'd done a little research and things weren't exactly the same as what he remembered. I explained that it was really very westernized and there were MANY Americans living there at this time.
After a little while enjoying the conversation with my father - I concluded our time together asking for prayer, to which my dad eagerly agreed to do for us.
God continues to amaze me. It was His Spirit that woke me 3 times during the week at 3:30am. (and I just realized - I love the number 3. When I was little I'd make sure I played games, jumped rope & skipped in "thirds." After all, it was the number of letters in Y-E-S; I liked that word..and it was the number of the Trinity - Father, Son & Holy Spirit). One of those early morning (3:30) awakenings was His Spirit nudging me to pray for my family: how they would receive the news. And now He was showing me how He'd moved through those prayers.
Monday, September 26, 2011
"Mom, I think we're heading to Hong Kong!"
Calling my parents was going to take a little more courage, I thought. Even dialing mom's number I found myself a little anxious...I mean, it isn't every day a daughter calls her parents to let them know she's moving half-way across the planet to China. (note to self: be anxious for NOTHING - but in everything by prayer & supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Phil 4:6-7).
I remembered God waking me several nights (always around 3:30am) to pray - one of those specifically for my family receiving the news. I was comforted that He did (wake me) and I did (obediently prayed).
So my mother, Nancy, answers the phone and I proceed to tell her we have a big decision to make - a possible opportunity for ministry pretty far away. She immediately thinks/says 'is it Africa?' - to which I replied, 'No mom..it's a little bit farther.' Mom said, 'where?' - rather than play a guessing game, I just said, 'Hong Kong.'
...a long pause, then I heard her say...'Oh, that's a long way - halfway around the world...but if God is calling you to go there - you better listen.' (note to self: make sure you have called the right phone number before giving such important information. I thought I'd called somebody else's mom - never expected mine to respond in such an accepting way.)
We talked longer about the opportunity and how God surprises us in (sometimes) crazy ways if we're just open to being obedient.
She asked if I'd told dad...that call was coming next.
I dialed my dad - and felt like a little girl all over again. Getting ready to tell my daddy about an opportunity that would take his youngest daughter on the other side of the globe...well, I sure swallowed hard waiting for him to answer (along with saying a short prayer).
I remembered God waking me several nights (always around 3:30am) to pray - one of those specifically for my family receiving the news. I was comforted that He did (wake me) and I did (obediently prayed).
So my mother, Nancy, answers the phone and I proceed to tell her we have a big decision to make - a possible opportunity for ministry pretty far away. She immediately thinks/says 'is it Africa?' - to which I replied, 'No mom..it's a little bit farther.' Mom said, 'where?' - rather than play a guessing game, I just said, 'Hong Kong.'
...a long pause, then I heard her say...'Oh, that's a long way - halfway around the world...but if God is calling you to go there - you better listen.' (note to self: make sure you have called the right phone number before giving such important information. I thought I'd called somebody else's mom - never expected mine to respond in such an accepting way.)
We talked longer about the opportunity and how God surprises us in (sometimes) crazy ways if we're just open to being obedient.
She asked if I'd told dad...that call was coming next.
I dialed my dad - and felt like a little girl all over again. Getting ready to tell my daddy about an opportunity that would take his youngest daughter on the other side of the globe...well, I sure swallowed hard waiting for him to answer (along with saying a short prayer).
Sunday, September 18, 2011
I had several phone calls to make, but not sure I was emotionally ready to dial the phone numbers. I decided to call my sister first. She'd been the one person (other than my mom & dad) that had been with me longer on this earth...so thought I'd start there. She answered and we covered all the 'bring-me-up-to-date-with-everything' chat. I then told her I had something I needed prayer with....and just spilled the beans with the opportunity God might be leading us into. After a short pause, my sister responded in a way that will forever be burned so sweetly in my memory. She said, "Oh, 'K' (that's what my mom & sis call me)...my flesh is saying NO, NO..you CAN'T move so far away - that's just TOO FAR!!! But my spirit is crying for JOY!!!" Wow. Now that's a spirit-filled person if I've ever met one.
You might just miss that little tid-bit if you grew up with my sister, Mel. I'll give you a little smidgen example. She disappeared into the darkness of Houston for several months when I was a teenager. We (my parents & I) knew she was more than likely mixed in with drugs & alcohol abuse on the streets of Houston. We didn't know how to contact her or anyone that may know anything about her. When a family has to try going through daily routines while a missing link is nowhere to be found...we didn't know whether to expect her to be alive or dead. She did return home ~ and I might add GOD is doing a MIGHTY work in her life right now. She's a true prayer warrior & has a precious heart for women who've been lost & tossed out of the church. (Thank you, Mel, for being you & loving me. I am blessed to have such a beautiful big sis praying for me (all our family, actually) & on my side. I am SO proud of you!!!
So, now on to responses #2 & 3 - my son, Justin & daughter, Jordan (both in Tx). I dialed Justin's cell and said a little prayer. His response was one of caution. Just like the protector he's always been..he wanted to know details like, "Mom, have you checked out the crime rate, the living conditions, the transportation situation...and such." I just loved that response! As I've told him before he will make such a great daddy someday. Jordan was next. I dialed her number and prayed, again. She answered and we chatted a little. I then posed the possible opportunity for Hong Kong. She just laughed and said, "Mom...you & Mike should have your own reality TV show!" Who would've ever thought her response would be this light. Turns out she was here, in Dighton, for a week at the beginning of the summer - when Michael first got a call from Hong Kong. So it wasn't really a big surprise to Jordan. (note to self: God certainly puts the pieces of the B-I-G puzzle together...making sure each one is snug & where its supposed to be. So why do I worry?) Jordan went on to tell me she wished she weren't already enrolled for the fall semester...she'd sure as heck come with us & help unpack! Always the fun-loving, spirited child of mine. I'm hoping to get all of our kids to come to Hong Kong ~ ALL 6..no, wait 7..or was it 8 including our foster kids...lost count & love it!
(note to self: I have precious children who have such wonderful personalities...don't forget to Thank God on a regular basis for blessing me with them)
My mom & dad had responses that were equally special...but I'll save for the next posting...this one was a little longer than I expected.
You might just miss that little tid-bit if you grew up with my sister, Mel. I'll give you a little smidgen example. She disappeared into the darkness of Houston for several months when I was a teenager. We (my parents & I) knew she was more than likely mixed in with drugs & alcohol abuse on the streets of Houston. We didn't know how to contact her or anyone that may know anything about her. When a family has to try going through daily routines while a missing link is nowhere to be found...we didn't know whether to expect her to be alive or dead. She did return home ~ and I might add GOD is doing a MIGHTY work in her life right now. She's a true prayer warrior & has a precious heart for women who've been lost & tossed out of the church. (Thank you, Mel, for being you & loving me. I am blessed to have such a beautiful big sis praying for me (all our family, actually) & on my side. I am SO proud of you!!!
So, now on to responses #2 & 3 - my son, Justin & daughter, Jordan (both in Tx). I dialed Justin's cell and said a little prayer. His response was one of caution. Just like the protector he's always been..he wanted to know details like, "Mom, have you checked out the crime rate, the living conditions, the transportation situation...and such." I just loved that response! As I've told him before he will make such a great daddy someday. Jordan was next. I dialed her number and prayed, again. She answered and we chatted a little. I then posed the possible opportunity for Hong Kong. She just laughed and said, "Mom...you & Mike should have your own reality TV show!" Who would've ever thought her response would be this light. Turns out she was here, in Dighton, for a week at the beginning of the summer - when Michael first got a call from Hong Kong. So it wasn't really a big surprise to Jordan. (note to self: God certainly puts the pieces of the B-I-G puzzle together...making sure each one is snug & where its supposed to be. So why do I worry?) Jordan went on to tell me she wished she weren't already enrolled for the fall semester...she'd sure as heck come with us & help unpack! Always the fun-loving, spirited child of mine. I'm hoping to get all of our kids to come to Hong Kong ~ ALL 6..no, wait 7..or was it 8 including our foster kids...lost count & love it!
(note to self: I have precious children who have such wonderful personalities...don't forget to Thank God on a regular basis for blessing me with them)
My mom & dad had responses that were equally special...but I'll save for the next posting...this one was a little longer than I expected.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
2 dogs, a glass of water and the couch...
God does some pretty amazing things...ALL.THE.TIME. We just have to be open to them ~ listening, watching & waiting...always expecting. He proved, once again, that Hong Kong was in our future by waking me up (Day #4) around 3:30am.
It was a 'good' sleep - you know the kind where everything is just perfect. The covers aren't too hot or cold/light or heavy, the placement of your body is just the right angle where nothing's beginning to tingle from lack of blood and no one is moving around changing positions or getting up to go to the bathroom...neither man nor beast (aka: Gabby/schnauzer & Solly/black lab). From this wonderful depth of slumber I awoke - completely awake. That 'still small voice' said, "I want you to get up, let the dogs out, get a glass of water and then come kneel in front of the couch and pray." OK...I thought...the dogs haven't even asked to go out. I sat there a few seconds...trying to figure out if that was something really coming from God...or just my fatigued brain playing tricks on me. Either way, I thought I'd better get up and take care of the things I was asked to do.
I found soon enough that both dogs were anxiously waiting to be let out the back door...and the glass of water was nice - the coolness refreshing to my lips. I finally settled down, kneeling in front of our couch in the den. My prayer began with remembering the last time I was in this position - on the floor - in front of the couch - praying & crying out to God. It was to ask (beg) Him to help me in the face of fear & pain..to bring us out of a terrible time of trials & turmoil in our marriage. I then began praising & thanking God for delivering me (us) from that storm - and strenghtening our union. (note to self: remember 'The LORD is close to the brokenhearted; He rescues those whose spirits are crushed.' Psalm 34:18)
The rest of my prayer went something like this:
Me: "God, I don't know what you need from me, but I want to be obedient to you...whatever that might be."
God: I want you to go read 1 Timothy...
(I've on occassion received certain scripture that seemed to 'pop into' my head - however, its always been really specific (John 3:16, etc)...so, I waited & asked..
Me: "Ok, Lord...1 Timothy...what?"
God: 1 Timothy.
Me: "Ok...the whole chapter."
So I stood up & quickly found my 'red-letter' bible and stepped into my bathroom where a single light shone down. I quietly pulled the door almost shut - to have total peace & quiet. I found 1 Timothy and began to read. As I read...it was a story of Timothy and Paul, who encouraged Timothy to stay where he was and build the church. The scripture goes on to explain the details of setting up the church - leadership, etc. I understood the story, but still didn't get how it had anything to do with our situation...that is, until Mike got up the next morning. While sitting on our deck out back - I asked about 1 Timothy. Mike explained in greater detail about Paul encouraging Timothy (a missionary) to stay and build the church. (note to self: don't forget to close your mouth when you have an epiphany and standing outside with TONS of flies encircling your deck.)
I realized right then that God had led me to that bible story to show me that Timothy, a missionary, was encouraged to GO...and build up the church. (I think I remember reading he was in Asia - which is not the current day China - but it still gave me goosebumps.)
How else could a God that is Almighty, Creator of ALL things - wake a speck of dust (me) in a remote land (Dighton, KS) and lead her to a scripture that would reinforce His calling on her life to "GO" and be His voice in a foreign land?
With God the possibilites are...endless. Be open to ANYTHING He may want of you. You won't believe what He's got in store!
It was a 'good' sleep - you know the kind where everything is just perfect. The covers aren't too hot or cold/light or heavy, the placement of your body is just the right angle where nothing's beginning to tingle from lack of blood and no one is moving around changing positions or getting up to go to the bathroom...neither man nor beast (aka: Gabby/schnauzer & Solly/black lab). From this wonderful depth of slumber I awoke - completely awake. That 'still small voice' said, "I want you to get up, let the dogs out, get a glass of water and then come kneel in front of the couch and pray." OK...I thought...the dogs haven't even asked to go out. I sat there a few seconds...trying to figure out if that was something really coming from God...or just my fatigued brain playing tricks on me. Either way, I thought I'd better get up and take care of the things I was asked to do.
I found soon enough that both dogs were anxiously waiting to be let out the back door...and the glass of water was nice - the coolness refreshing to my lips. I finally settled down, kneeling in front of our couch in the den. My prayer began with remembering the last time I was in this position - on the floor - in front of the couch - praying & crying out to God. It was to ask (beg) Him to help me in the face of fear & pain..to bring us out of a terrible time of trials & turmoil in our marriage. I then began praising & thanking God for delivering me (us) from that storm - and strenghtening our union. (note to self: remember 'The LORD is close to the brokenhearted; He rescues those whose spirits are crushed.' Psalm 34:18)
The rest of my prayer went something like this:
Me: "God, I don't know what you need from me, but I want to be obedient to you...whatever that might be."
God: I want you to go read 1 Timothy...
(I've on occassion received certain scripture that seemed to 'pop into' my head - however, its always been really specific (John 3:16, etc)...so, I waited & asked..
Me: "Ok, Lord...1 Timothy...what?"
God: 1 Timothy.
Me: "Ok...the whole chapter."
So I stood up & quickly found my 'red-letter' bible and stepped into my bathroom where a single light shone down. I quietly pulled the door almost shut - to have total peace & quiet. I found 1 Timothy and began to read. As I read...it was a story of Timothy and Paul, who encouraged Timothy to stay where he was and build the church. The scripture goes on to explain the details of setting up the church - leadership, etc. I understood the story, but still didn't get how it had anything to do with our situation...that is, until Mike got up the next morning. While sitting on our deck out back - I asked about 1 Timothy. Mike explained in greater detail about Paul encouraging Timothy (a missionary) to stay and build the church. (note to self: don't forget to close your mouth when you have an epiphany and standing outside with TONS of flies encircling your deck.)
I realized right then that God had led me to that bible story to show me that Timothy, a missionary, was encouraged to GO...and build up the church. (I think I remember reading he was in Asia - which is not the current day China - but it still gave me goosebumps.)
How else could a God that is Almighty, Creator of ALL things - wake a speck of dust (me) in a remote land (Dighton, KS) and lead her to a scripture that would reinforce His calling on her life to "GO" and be His voice in a foreign land?
With God the possibilites are...endless. Be open to ANYTHING He may want of you. You won't believe what He's got in store!
Friday, September 2, 2011
Four days...and counting...
As noted earlier...things just began falling into place that helped us make our decision. No, let me rephrase that...God was moving and showing us in all sorts of ways - that He wanted us moving to Hong Kong. The selling of the motorcycle was among the first 'God happenings.'
Once the offer from the English-speaking church was emailed to us - on Monday (the first of the 'four days') - Michael informed me that we should start praying - fervently - about this offer. And so....we did. We prayed collectively - we prayed separately - together before bed - in the morning at breakfast. I even found myself awake at night (ALWAYS at 4:30am) for four nights. I decided it was God waking me up to pray. On night number #2 - He woke me to pray for my family - I think He mentioned to pray that they would receive the news as He wanted...they would be accepting of any news with peaceful hearts.
Well, on night #4 - something strange & wonderful happened. I went to sleep praying for whatever God wanted - either way I would accept His answer. I then found myself at total peace about the entire situation. If He kept us in Dighton - GREAT - I'd still be close to my family in Tx (well, 10-13 hours driving "close")...I had plans to help a beautiful friend get a ministry off the ground (one mentoring moms in our area)...plans to continue helping another beautiful friend with her Zumba ministry ("TRAVEL!!!")...plans to get Moms In Touch (MITI) off the ground - something I wanted to bring to Dighton three years ago when we first arrived...and continue my ministry: baking cookies!
On the other hand...IF God moved us to Hong Kong - I was at total peace that night because I knew all would be well and in Him I could rest. So I did...and slept for a little while...until He woke me, again...around 3:30am...with something wonderfully amazing...something I'll never forget. It involves our dogs, a glass of water & our couch.
...I'll save that for the next post.
Once the offer from the English-speaking church was emailed to us - on Monday (the first of the 'four days') - Michael informed me that we should start praying - fervently - about this offer. And so....we did. We prayed collectively - we prayed separately - together before bed - in the morning at breakfast. I even found myself awake at night (ALWAYS at 4:30am) for four nights. I decided it was God waking me up to pray. On night number #2 - He woke me to pray for my family - I think He mentioned to pray that they would receive the news as He wanted...they would be accepting of any news with peaceful hearts.
Well, on night #4 - something strange & wonderful happened. I went to sleep praying for whatever God wanted - either way I would accept His answer. I then found myself at total peace about the entire situation. If He kept us in Dighton - GREAT - I'd still be close to my family in Tx (well, 10-13 hours driving "close")...I had plans to help a beautiful friend get a ministry off the ground (one mentoring moms in our area)...plans to continue helping another beautiful friend with her Zumba ministry ("TRAVEL!!!")...plans to get Moms In Touch (MITI) off the ground - something I wanted to bring to Dighton three years ago when we first arrived...and continue my ministry: baking cookies!
On the other hand...IF God moved us to Hong Kong - I was at total peace that night because I knew all would be well and in Him I could rest. So I did...and slept for a little while...until He woke me, again...around 3:30am...with something wonderfully amazing...something I'll never forget. It involves our dogs, a glass of water & our couch.
...I'll save that for the next post.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Four days...
I've never written a book. That's my husband's department. However...I may have to reconsider it. I began writing things down that happened during the course of four days when we were given the opportunity to go to Hong Kong. (Michael was emailed with an offer on Monday morning, and said we'd have an answer by Friday/noon. He just figured the answer would be a resounding 'No' - remember we were VERY happy in Dighton...VERY comfortable.) Four days. That's all. 96 hours..to ask God to show us His plans. And ninety-six hours for us to be obedient to His calling. (note to self: remember, karen, God asks us to be ready - on HIS timetable)
I have an orange piece of paper - actually the backside of Brady's calendar she received the first day of school - that I started making notes on. (Hey, it was the only thing I could find when my mind was racing. Didn't I once hear JK Rowling started notes for Harry Potter on napkins?) This orange paper has two columns, one labeled Mike - the other, Karen - to which I've written random incidents, conversations & wild things that came about during those ninety-six hours. This paper is filled. I'd like to share some of these with you because it's been God's way of convicting & confirming me that He needs me to move away from EVERYTHING I'm familiar with - family & friends I love so much - to a place unknown. I will break them down into a few postings...so you're not exhausted by my nouns, adjectives, syllables & punctuation on the page.
Probably among the first 'happenings' was Mike's Harley (motorcycle). He'd tried for a year to sell it (listed on ebay, facebook, next-tech, newspaper, etc). There was not one serious offer in that year. So we just thought God wasn't wanting him to give it up. So he withdrew all the advertisement...until the offer/email about China. He decided to try again and listed it just on facebook. In one hour there was an offer from Texas. A wealthy man who had nine automobiles. Mike said he could call the dealership and special order his own - "Why would he want my used motorcycle?" I told him because God put it upon his heart that you needed it sold. This man is paying $1000 more than we needed & having it shipped to Texas where he lives. He told Mike, "I'm giving you the extra because I think you're going to do something very good with it."
(note to self: God is in EVERY LITTLE detail of our lives)
I have an orange piece of paper - actually the backside of Brady's calendar she received the first day of school - that I started making notes on. (Hey, it was the only thing I could find when my mind was racing. Didn't I once hear JK Rowling started notes for Harry Potter on napkins?) This orange paper has two columns, one labeled Mike - the other, Karen - to which I've written random incidents, conversations & wild things that came about during those ninety-six hours. This paper is filled. I'd like to share some of these with you because it's been God's way of convicting & confirming me that He needs me to move away from EVERYTHING I'm familiar with - family & friends I love so much - to a place unknown. I will break them down into a few postings...so you're not exhausted by my nouns, adjectives, syllables & punctuation on the page.
Probably among the first 'happenings' was Mike's Harley (motorcycle). He'd tried for a year to sell it (listed on ebay, facebook, next-tech, newspaper, etc). There was not one serious offer in that year. So we just thought God wasn't wanting him to give it up. So he withdrew all the advertisement...until the offer/email about China. He decided to try again and listed it just on facebook. In one hour there was an offer from Texas. A wealthy man who had nine automobiles. Mike said he could call the dealership and special order his own - "Why would he want my used motorcycle?" I told him because God put it upon his heart that you needed it sold. This man is paying $1000 more than we needed & having it shipped to Texas where he lives. He told Mike, "I'm giving you the extra because I think you're going to do something very good with it."
(note to self: God is in EVERY LITTLE detail of our lives)
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Where God?
About 4 months ago Michael & I both felt a stirring in our hearts that God wanted more from us. When we first began talking about these stirrings - we were both surprised that God was working in us without the other knowing. (note to self: keep working on communication skills, karen...you're still not very good at it)
During discussions we felt God might be calling us to do more in Africa...more with the orphanages there...more with our karate schools there...open another orphanage and/or karate school...spend more time there (ie. longer trips, perhaps 3 weeks instead of 2). We just didn't know ~ so we prayed, seeking confirmation and direction. One of our church leaders, a farmer - Floyd, already had plans to return in October..which we just knew we were to go with him. Well, when funding/support was not there for Michael, Brady & I to go..we then thought perhaps God needed just Michael to go. Still no financial support for him to go. (He told me later that in his spirit he didn't feel he'd return in October.) So we turned our attention to all going in December. Michael sent out letters asking for support for December - still nothing..no doors opening. That's when we decided we wouldn't push it; instead let God lead. (note to self: rembember the words from Max Lucado - "Don't ask God to do what you want. Ask God to do what is right.")
It was around this time that a church 'somewhere' in China began emailing Michael, inquiring about his pastoring. When Michael told me of the email...quite honestly, I just blew it off. I wrote in my journal: How in the world could God use two 'old' people - one from Texas, one from New Orleans - in Hong Kong?
"God couldn't possibly have any reason for us to be in Hong Kong!"..and with that the thought disappeared from my mind. Besides, we both agreed that we were VERY happy right here in beautiful, little Dighton.(note to self: never ever assume you know what God's got planned for you...even in China)
During discussions we felt God might be calling us to do more in Africa...more with the orphanages there...more with our karate schools there...open another orphanage and/or karate school...spend more time there (ie. longer trips, perhaps 3 weeks instead of 2). We just didn't know ~ so we prayed, seeking confirmation and direction. One of our church leaders, a farmer - Floyd, already had plans to return in October..which we just knew we were to go with him. Well, when funding/support was not there for Michael, Brady & I to go..we then thought perhaps God needed just Michael to go. Still no financial support for him to go. (He told me later that in his spirit he didn't feel he'd return in October.) So we turned our attention to all going in December. Michael sent out letters asking for support for December - still nothing..no doors opening. That's when we decided we wouldn't push it; instead let God lead. (note to self: rembember the words from Max Lucado - "Don't ask God to do what you want. Ask God to do what is right.")
It was around this time that a church 'somewhere' in China began emailing Michael, inquiring about his pastoring. When Michael told me of the email...quite honestly, I just blew it off. I wrote in my journal: How in the world could God use two 'old' people - one from Texas, one from New Orleans - in Hong Kong?
"God couldn't possibly have any reason for us to be in Hong Kong!"..and with that the thought disappeared from my mind. Besides, we both agreed that we were VERY happy right here in beautiful, little Dighton.(note to self: never ever assume you know what God's got planned for you...even in China)
Thursday, August 18, 2011
A little history...
Where do I begin? If I go back about 4 years ago, when we were in Texas...and God was stirring something in our hearts, that's probably far enough. We knew we'd be moving at some point, but had not a clue where. We 'sorta' left that detail up to God. (note to self: never can tell what He might do or where you might end up if you do)
So Michael & I prayed earnestly for God's direction, and promised obedience no matter what. (note to self: Be careful what you pray for!)
We received a call from a pastoral selection committee in the small community known as Dighton, Kansas. Had no idea where that was, but we both were delighted to talk to those involved (and eventually became life-long friends to each member). The phone interview was quite entertaining - I enjoyed getting to know the members & found out conference calls can be quite fun!
Needless to say...I knew this was the direction God was leading us, which was both very sad & exciting all at the same time. Sad because we were making a choice/called by God and that meant leaving children behind (most were grown by this time...except our 'babies' from previous marriages...Jordan (17yrs - mine), and Nico (18yrs - mike's). Michael's other three were already gone from our nest (Jennifer, New Orleans; Ian, Lubbock; and Paige, New Orleans). My oldest, Justin (20yrs) was still in Austin, just not at home anymore.
So, what did we do? We jumped - head first - into fulltime ministry in a community that I was told was 10 blocks X 10 blocks..and the county (Lane) had 1000 people. (remember: we were moving from Austin (Dripping Springs) Texas! It was a l-o-n-g jump & leaving my kids & family...heart-wrenching; BUT God is faithful and He saw us through. It was the best decision I probably had ever made up to this point as an adult (of course I had heavenly help!).
So Michael & I prayed earnestly for God's direction, and promised obedience no matter what. (note to self: Be careful what you pray for!)
We received a call from a pastoral selection committee in the small community known as Dighton, Kansas. Had no idea where that was, but we both were delighted to talk to those involved (and eventually became life-long friends to each member). The phone interview was quite entertaining - I enjoyed getting to know the members & found out conference calls can be quite fun!
Needless to say...I knew this was the direction God was leading us, which was both very sad & exciting all at the same time. Sad because we were making a choice/called by God and that meant leaving children behind (most were grown by this time...except our 'babies' from previous marriages...Jordan (17yrs - mine), and Nico (18yrs - mike's). Michael's other three were already gone from our nest (Jennifer, New Orleans; Ian, Lubbock; and Paige, New Orleans). My oldest, Justin (20yrs) was still in Austin, just not at home anymore.
So, what did we do? We jumped - head first - into fulltime ministry in a community that I was told was 10 blocks X 10 blocks..and the county (Lane) had 1000 people. (remember: we were moving from Austin (Dripping Springs) Texas! It was a l-o-n-g jump & leaving my kids & family...heart-wrenching; BUT God is faithful and He saw us through. It was the best decision I probably had ever made up to this point as an adult (of course I had heavenly help!).
Monday, August 15, 2011
Welcome to the planet...

Ok. Here goes. The first post for a blog that I will journal our time in Hong Kong. Yep, you heard correctly. We're moving to Hong Kong! Sha Tin, New Territories, HK...to be exact. Never visited...never thought I would, let alone live there.
Should be a pretty fun ride with the klumpps, now missionaries. (note to self: try not to faint when you say/write/think about the title)
We've got one month to love on our Dighton church family & community as much as humanly possible (oh, yeah..and weed down/pack a house for storage).
Michael (husband) will be leaving September 20th (give or take a day). Brady (daughter) and I will spend a month in Texas - loving on family & friends until our departure to Hong Kong (late October).
I hope you'll consider joining me...
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