John 13:7

"You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand." ~ john 13:7

Thursday, September 8, 2011

2 dogs, a glass of water and the couch...

God does some pretty amazing things...ALL.THE.TIME. We just have to be open to them ~ listening, watching & waiting...always expecting. He proved, once again, that Hong Kong was in our future by waking me up (Day #4) around 3:30am.

It was a 'good' sleep - you know the kind where everything is just perfect. The covers aren't too hot or cold/light or heavy, the placement of your body is just the right angle where nothing's beginning to tingle from lack of blood and no one is moving around changing positions or getting up to go to the bathroom...neither man nor beast (aka: Gabby/schnauzer & Solly/black lab). From this wonderful depth of slumber I awoke - completely awake. That 'still small voice' said, "I want you to get up, let the dogs out, get a glass of water and then come kneel in front of the couch and pray." OK...I thought...the dogs haven't even asked to go out. I sat there a few seconds...trying to figure out if that was something really coming from God...or just my fatigued brain playing tricks on me. Either way, I thought I'd better get up and take care of the things I was asked to do.

I found soon enough that both dogs were anxiously waiting to be let out the back door...and the glass of water was nice - the coolness refreshing to my lips. I finally settled down, kneeling in front of our couch in the den. My prayer began with remembering the last time I was in this position - on the floor - in front of the couch - praying & crying out to God. It was to ask (beg) Him to help me in the face of fear & bring us out of a terrible time of trials & turmoil in our marriage. I then began praising & thanking God for delivering me (us) from that storm - and strenghtening our union. (note to self: remember 'The LORD is close to the brokenhearted; He rescues those whose spirits are crushed.' Psalm 34:18)
The rest of my prayer went something like this:
Me: "God, I don't know what you need from me, but I want to be obedient to you...whatever that might be."
God: I want you to go read 1 Timothy...
(I've on occassion received certain scripture that seemed to 'pop into' my head - however, its always been really specific (John 3:16, etc), I waited & asked..
Me: "Ok, Lord...1 Timothy...what?"
God: 1 Timothy.
Me: "Ok...the whole chapter."

So I stood up & quickly found my 'red-letter' bible and stepped into my bathroom where a single light shone down. I quietly pulled the door almost shut - to have total peace & quiet. I found 1 Timothy and began to read. As I was a story of Timothy and Paul, who encouraged Timothy to stay where he was and build the church. The scripture goes on to explain the details of setting up the church - leadership, etc. I understood the story, but still didn't get how it had anything to do with our situation...that is, until Mike got up the next morning. While sitting on our deck out back - I asked about 1 Timothy. Mike explained in greater detail about Paul encouraging Timothy (a missionary) to stay and build the church. (note to self: don't forget to close your mouth when you have an epiphany and standing outside with TONS of flies encircling your deck.)
I realized right then that God had led me to that bible story to show me that Timothy, a missionary, was encouraged to GO...and build up the church. (I think I remember reading he was in Asia - which is not the current day China - but it still gave me goosebumps.)

How else could a God that is Almighty, Creator of ALL things - wake a speck of dust (me) in a remote land (Dighton, KS) and lead her to a scripture that would reinforce His calling on her life to "GO" and be His voice in a foreign land?

With God the possibilites are...endless. Be open to ANYTHING He may want of you. You won't believe what He's got in store!

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