Where do I begin? If I go back about 4 years ago, when we were in Texas...and God was stirring something in our hearts, that's probably far enough. We knew we'd be moving at some point, but had not a clue where. We 'sorta' left that detail up to God. (note to self: never can tell what He might do or where you might end up if you do)
So Michael & I prayed earnestly for God's direction, and promised obedience no matter what. (note to self: Be careful what you pray for!)
We received a call from a pastoral selection committee in the small community known as Dighton, Kansas. Had no idea where that was, but we both were delighted to talk to those involved (and eventually became life-long friends to each member). The phone interview was quite entertaining - I enjoyed getting to know the members & found out conference calls can be quite fun!
Needless to say...I knew this was the direction God was leading us, which was both very sad & exciting all at the same time. Sad because we were making a choice/called by God and that meant leaving children behind (most were grown by this time...except our 'babies' from previous marriages...Jordan (17yrs - mine), and Nico (18yrs - mike's). Michael's other three were already gone from our nest (Jennifer, New Orleans; Ian, Lubbock; and Paige, New Orleans). My oldest, Justin (20yrs) was still in Austin, just not at home anymore.
So, what did we do? We jumped - head first - into fulltime ministry in a community that I was told was 10 blocks X 10 blocks..and the county (Lane) had 1000 people. (remember: we were moving from Austin (Dripping Springs) Texas! It was a l-o-n-g jump & leaving my kids & family...heart-wrenching; BUT God is faithful and He saw us through. It was the best decision I probably had ever made up to this point as an adult (of course I had heavenly help!).
And we're so glad you came.