John 13:7

"You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand." ~ john 13:7

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Hearts & Ivy

It has become something I am learning to expect from God. Seeing Him through the ordinary. Looking for Him in the extraordinary. And that's exactly where He showed up today. As I sat on our couch, in our newly 'decorated' living room...I glanced at the bookshelf that now sits in front of our window. It looks really nice there because the plants are on the top shelf where they can receive good light and we can see them better. I noticed the light coming from behind an ivy that is there. I really like ivy. Come to think of it...I captured one of my favorite pictures of ivy soon after we arrived in Hong Kong. It's one that has ivy woven through a barbed-wire fencing. It caught my eye when we were strolling behind the school one day on our way to the church. It's now my profile picture on my Schoology account. Did I mention that I liked ivy?

Back to the ivy in our den...
I just had to grab my camera and take a few snapshots of this ivy..and I'm quite sure you can tell why. It's the perfect combination for me - hearts in nature...handmade by my Creator for my eyes to see.
I believe God enjoys taking something as simple as an ivy leaf to remind us just how much He is with us, and how much His love for us is beyond our comprehension. I may never be able to grasp how big, how wide, nor how deep He loves me...but there is one thing I can grasp... That is how He is here & there & everywhere. How He's before, behind, above, and below. Always with me, always for me..and never going away.

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