I've decided I must have something for trees. It seems God reveals much about my life through them. There's one in particular just outside my den window that I've been noticing lately. I think the love affair began the first morning we arrived in Hong Kong...which was my first glimpse of the tree. Because we're on the first floor of our building, the part of the tree that we see is somewhere in the middle - where the trunk meets the branches & leaves. Right now..in the heat of the summer in Hong Kong...the greenery on this tree is amazing. It brings a sense of joy to me as I look at it.
This tree has become a part of me..a part of my story. I've studied it for the last 9 months - like an expectant mother - watching with great anticipation of the new life growing inside her..trying to understand every little movement. You might disagree, wondering what can someone gain from watching a grown tree outside her window. It's just 'there'.. But I can report that I've been able to see this tree live through such adversity in just a few months, I know God is growing me by its example. It was cold in the winter-time..and had to manage surviving without blanket or coat. It has survived the summer - HOT & HUMID conditions, relying on any rain (or cool drink from the landscape crew).
But the biggest trial I've seen thus far was surviving the T10 hurricane, Vicente, that recently rolled through Hong Kong with the most fierce winds I have ever encountered. I sat and watched as the 140mph winds made this tree bend so much, that I seriously expected it to be uprooted by morning. I took a bus ride the morning following 'Vicente' ..and the sightings of huge trees down everywhere I looked made me realize what a strong tree this was - planted right outside my window. (Statistics stated more than 1000 trees fell in one night with the storm.)
"What is it that God wants me to learn from this tree?" - I began to wonder. I believe one important Truth is.. no matter what the trial may be.. HE is ALWAYS with me & will be until the end. I believe another Truth... Whatever the circumstances are (how much the winds of adversity try to break me).. if I am deeply rooted in my faith, my relationship with Christ and His infallible Word... Then I have NOTHING to fear. These are just two things I think He wants me to know about Him. I will continue to study that tree.. My tree.
One thing I desire - to be like that tree - so deeply rooted that it doesn't matter what life brings to my door - Jesus is there waiting to see me through.
Truly HE is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will never be shaken.
Psalm 62:6
HE is my Rock
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