I started an experiment on Friday, November 25, 2011. I will take today's post to elaborate for you, my friends. It has been a journey for me - this experiment - which has resulted in a wonderful self-discovery by God's Hand, of myself. (note to self: God doesn't have to bring me half-way around the globe to reveal something to me next time)
As I sat in my new home, here in Hong Kong.. an apartment flat on the first floor in block 8... I started a new way of journaling for the next 14 days. I began with a declaration & a prayer. (note to self: ALWAYS a good idea to begin something with prayer FIRST)
My declaration went something like this: From now on God (and I) will be in charge of my emotions. No more will I allow someone (or something) to rule my feelings/emotions. From this day forward I will let only God be in charge of my heart. And thus was born my 'Experiment: Joy!'
Day #1 included a reflection of my past - way back to being a child - a time when I was a happy person. I found that people would often comment on my optimism, my positive outlook, my happiness. The next step was gratitude toward Jesus: "Thank you. By the work of Your sacrifice on the cross, the Holy Spirit is going to help me return to my optimistic, positive, happy self that You created in me. Amen."
I went on to say that only God and I would rule my emotions & control my surroundings along with my emotions/how I handle those surroundings. Where there's pessimism...I will interject happiness and encouragement! I ended day #1 with this statement: I will wake up happy because I am a child of God with Jesus by my side.
And for the next 14 days God showed me wonderful things: using my surroundings, like the gardens across the street... using scripture... using music...
I will use some of these in my next few posts. It's an exciting time in my life & I am happy to be sharing them with you. I hope by some way God can use me to bring encouragement & love to you. I've always wanted to be His vessel - just have to remain open, listening for His voice & watching for His gentle nudges.
I'll end today's post with the beginning of my journal entry 'Experiment: Joy! Day #2'...
Thank you, Jesus, for giving me Joy! Becoming the 'me' You designed me to be is so thrilling to my heart. No longer the insecure little girl afraid of failure. If You are for me - it doesn't matter who is against me... I am already a winner and loved!
I highly recommend listening to Kari Jobe's beautiful song: "You Are For Me"
*Whenever I feel life is beating me down - I turn this on.*
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