I've never written a book. That's my husband's department. However...I may have to reconsider it. I began writing things down that happened during the course of four days when we were given the opportunity to go to Hong Kong. (Michael was emailed with an offer on Monday morning, and said we'd have an answer by Friday/noon. He just figured the answer would be a resounding 'No' - remember we were VERY happy in Dighton...VERY comfortable.) Four days. That's all. 96 hours..to ask God to show us His plans. And ninety-six hours for us to be obedient to His calling. (note to self: remember, karen, God asks us to be ready - on HIS timetable)
I have an orange piece of paper - actually the backside of Brady's calendar she received the first day of school - that I started making notes on. (Hey, it was the only thing I could find when my mind was racing. Didn't I once hear JK Rowling started notes for Harry Potter on napkins?) This orange paper has two columns, one labeled Mike - the other, Karen - to which I've written random incidents, conversations & wild things that came about during those ninety-six hours. This paper is filled. I'd like to share some of these with you because it's been God's way of convicting & confirming me that He needs me to move away from EVERYTHING I'm familiar with - family & friends I love so much - to a place unknown. I will break them down into a few postings...so you're not exhausted by my nouns, adjectives, syllables & punctuation on the page.
Probably among the first 'happenings' was Mike's Harley (motorcycle). He'd tried for a year to sell it (listed on ebay, facebook, next-tech, newspaper, etc). There was not one serious offer in that year. So we just thought God wasn't wanting him to give it up. So he withdrew all the advertisement...until the offer/email about China. He decided to try again and listed it just on facebook. In one hour there was an offer from Texas. A wealthy man who had nine automobiles. Mike said he could call the dealership and special order his own - "Why would he want my used motorcycle?" I told him because God put it upon his heart that you needed it sold. This man is paying $1000 more than we needed & having it shipped to Texas where he lives. He told Mike, "I'm giving you the extra because I think you're going to do something very good with it."
(note to self: God is in EVERY LITTLE detail of our lives)
John 13:7
"You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand." ~ john 13:7
Friday, August 26, 2011
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Where God?
About 4 months ago Michael & I both felt a stirring in our hearts that God wanted more from us. When we first began talking about these stirrings - we were both surprised that God was working in us without the other knowing. (note to self: keep working on communication skills, karen...you're still not very good at it)
During discussions we felt God might be calling us to do more in Africa...more with the orphanages there...more with our karate schools there...open another orphanage and/or karate school...spend more time there (ie. longer trips, perhaps 3 weeks instead of 2). We just didn't know ~ so we prayed, seeking confirmation and direction. One of our church leaders, a farmer - Floyd, already had plans to return in October..which we just knew we were to go with him. Well, when funding/support was not there for Michael, Brady & I to go..we then thought perhaps God needed just Michael to go. Still no financial support for him to go. (He told me later that in his spirit he didn't feel he'd return in October.) So we turned our attention to all going in December. Michael sent out letters asking for support for December - still nothing..no doors opening. That's when we decided we wouldn't push it; instead let God lead. (note to self: rembember the words from Max Lucado - "Don't ask God to do what you want. Ask God to do what is right.")
It was around this time that a church 'somewhere' in China began emailing Michael, inquiring about his pastoring. When Michael told me of the email...quite honestly, I just blew it off. I wrote in my journal: How in the world could God use two 'old' people - one from Texas, one from New Orleans - in Hong Kong?
"God couldn't possibly have any reason for us to be in Hong Kong!"..and with that the thought disappeared from my mind. Besides, we both agreed that we were VERY happy right here in beautiful, little Dighton.(note to self: never ever assume you know what God's got planned for you...even in China)
During discussions we felt God might be calling us to do more in Africa...more with the orphanages there...more with our karate schools there...open another orphanage and/or karate school...spend more time there (ie. longer trips, perhaps 3 weeks instead of 2). We just didn't know ~ so we prayed, seeking confirmation and direction. One of our church leaders, a farmer - Floyd, already had plans to return in October..which we just knew we were to go with him. Well, when funding/support was not there for Michael, Brady & I to go..we then thought perhaps God needed just Michael to go. Still no financial support for him to go. (He told me later that in his spirit he didn't feel he'd return in October.) So we turned our attention to all going in December. Michael sent out letters asking for support for December - still nothing..no doors opening. That's when we decided we wouldn't push it; instead let God lead. (note to self: rembember the words from Max Lucado - "Don't ask God to do what you want. Ask God to do what is right.")
It was around this time that a church 'somewhere' in China began emailing Michael, inquiring about his pastoring. When Michael told me of the email...quite honestly, I just blew it off. I wrote in my journal: How in the world could God use two 'old' people - one from Texas, one from New Orleans - in Hong Kong?
"God couldn't possibly have any reason for us to be in Hong Kong!"..and with that the thought disappeared from my mind. Besides, we both agreed that we were VERY happy right here in beautiful, little Dighton.(note to self: never ever assume you know what God's got planned for you...even in China)
Thursday, August 18, 2011
A little history...
Where do I begin? If I go back about 4 years ago, when we were in Texas...and God was stirring something in our hearts, that's probably far enough. We knew we'd be moving at some point, but had not a clue where. We 'sorta' left that detail up to God. (note to self: never can tell what He might do or where you might end up if you do)
So Michael & I prayed earnestly for God's direction, and promised obedience no matter what. (note to self: Be careful what you pray for!)
We received a call from a pastoral selection committee in the small community known as Dighton, Kansas. Had no idea where that was, but we both were delighted to talk to those involved (and eventually became life-long friends to each member). The phone interview was quite entertaining - I enjoyed getting to know the members & found out conference calls can be quite fun!
Needless to say...I knew this was the direction God was leading us, which was both very sad & exciting all at the same time. Sad because we were making a choice/called by God and that meant leaving children behind (most were grown by this time...except our 'babies' from previous marriages...Jordan (17yrs - mine), and Nico (18yrs - mike's). Michael's other three were already gone from our nest (Jennifer, New Orleans; Ian, Lubbock; and Paige, New Orleans). My oldest, Justin (20yrs) was still in Austin, just not at home anymore.
So, what did we do? We jumped - head first - into fulltime ministry in a community that I was told was 10 blocks X 10 blocks..and the county (Lane) had 1000 people. (remember: we were moving from Austin (Dripping Springs) Texas! It was a l-o-n-g jump & leaving my kids & family...heart-wrenching; BUT God is faithful and He saw us through. It was the best decision I probably had ever made up to this point as an adult (of course I had heavenly help!).
So Michael & I prayed earnestly for God's direction, and promised obedience no matter what. (note to self: Be careful what you pray for!)
We received a call from a pastoral selection committee in the small community known as Dighton, Kansas. Had no idea where that was, but we both were delighted to talk to those involved (and eventually became life-long friends to each member). The phone interview was quite entertaining - I enjoyed getting to know the members & found out conference calls can be quite fun!
Needless to say...I knew this was the direction God was leading us, which was both very sad & exciting all at the same time. Sad because we were making a choice/called by God and that meant leaving children behind (most were grown by this time...except our 'babies' from previous marriages...Jordan (17yrs - mine), and Nico (18yrs - mike's). Michael's other three were already gone from our nest (Jennifer, New Orleans; Ian, Lubbock; and Paige, New Orleans). My oldest, Justin (20yrs) was still in Austin, just not at home anymore.
So, what did we do? We jumped - head first - into fulltime ministry in a community that I was told was 10 blocks X 10 blocks..and the county (Lane) had 1000 people. (remember: we were moving from Austin (Dripping Springs) Texas! It was a l-o-n-g jump & leaving my kids & family...heart-wrenching; BUT God is faithful and He saw us through. It was the best decision I probably had ever made up to this point as an adult (of course I had heavenly help!).
Monday, August 15, 2011
Welcome to the planet...

Ok. Here goes. The first post for a blog that I will journal our time in Hong Kong. Yep, you heard correctly. We're moving to Hong Kong! Sha Tin, New Territories, HK...to be exact. Never visited...never thought I would, let alone live there.
Should be a pretty fun ride with the klumpps, now missionaries. (note to self: try not to faint when you say/write/think about the title)
We've got one month to love on our Dighton church family & community as much as humanly possible (oh, yeah..and weed down/pack a house for storage).
Michael (husband) will be leaving September 20th (give or take a day). Brady (daughter) and I will spend a month in Texas - loving on family & friends until our departure to Hong Kong (late October).
I hope you'll consider joining me...
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